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Patient notice

The surgery will be closed in Kidlington and Yarnton from 1pm on Wednesday 26th February for essential staff training.

Please call 999 for emergencies. For urgent medical advice, please call 111.

The surgery will re-open at 8am on Thursday morning.

Surgery clinics

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.

Antenatal care

Antenatal clinics are offered at both Kidlington and Yarnton surgeries, where parent craft classes are arranged during the antenatal period. The midwifery team is also on call 24 hours a day.

Midwifery team phone
01869 243763

Asthma clinic

Asthmatic patients are encouraged to attend the asthma clinic. The clinic is run by our nurses, providing up to date advice on asthma.

Blood pressure checks

The nursing team are available to provide blood pressure checks. If your blood pressure is difficult to control your doctor may refer you to the nurse for several readings over 2 hours for for assessment over 24 hours with an automatic machine.

Breast screening

The NHS national breast screening programme provides free screening for breast cancer for all women over the age of 50. If you’re between 50 and 70 you should be routinely invited for a mammogram. Women over 70 are encouraged to make their own appointments. Routine breast screening appointments are sent out directly from the screening office and patients are seen in their geographical area. If you would like more information on when your screening is due please contact the screening office directly on 01865 235621.

Cervical smears

It is recommended that cervical smear tests are carried out as follows:

  • Between the ages of 25 and 49 years, every three years
  • Between the ages of 50 and 65 years, every five years

A letter will be sent to you when your smear is due. The result will be sent to you directly from the laboratory. If you are wanting to postpone your cervical smear test, please contact the surgery.

Child health clinics

All doctors perform child health development checks. Please arrange to see your child’s usual doctor for these checks. It is essential to bring your child’s ‘red book’ (parent held record) to these checks. The health visitors will carry out developmental assessments at other times and answer any questions relating to immunisations.

Health visitors phone
01865 379158

Child vaccinations

Vaccination is vital. It provides life long protection against serious infectious diseases, (some potentially fatal). Your children will be sent appointments to attend sessions at the Surgery when they are due. The health visitors co-ordinate the immunisation programme for children.

Visit the NHS Website for child vaccination planner.

Chlamydia testing

Chlamydia is the most commonly diagnosed sexually transmitted infection in men and women. Most of the people who have this infection will have no symptoms. If you or your sexual partner remain untreated it can cause infertility.

For further advice visit NHS: Chlamydia.

Contraceptive services and family planning clinic

The doctors and nurses prescribe contraception advice, contraceptives and emergency contraception. Prescriptions for contraceptives are free of charge for everyone.


Counselling is offered through Talking Space. You may self refer by calling 01865 901222 or you may prefer to discuss your problems with a doctor first.

Diabetic clinic

All diabetic patients are encouraged to attend regularly for a full check up and assessment by the doctor and nurse.

If you have been advised by the practice to complete a diabetes review, please fill out the diabetes review form. This will allow our clinical team to offer you the best advice specific to your health needs.


Referral is via your doctor.

District nurses

The district nurses work closely with the doctors visiting people of all ages in their homes. District nurses are responsible for identifying and assessing the total needs of patients and for planning, initiating and providing appropriate care. The team of district nurses can be contacted on 01865 904130. Referral by a doctor is not necessary.

ECG (Electrocardiogram)

An ECG can be done by appointment in the treatment room, following referral from a doctor.

Flu and pneumococcal vaccination

We recommend that patients of all ages suffering with chronic respiratory disease (including asthma), chronic heart disease and diabetes have a flu vaccination every year. Also, everyone over the age of 65 years is encouraged to have the flu vaccine. The nurses run special clinics in October and November by appointment.

Health checks

Health checks are offered every five years to eligible patients aged between 40 and 74. You will receive a letter inviting you to make an appointment at the practice when your health check is due.

Joint injections

The doctor will assess your joint in a routine appointment. He or she will then ask that you make an appointment with one of our doctors who is experienced in administering joint injections. This is usually a simple procedure performed in the doctor’s consulting room.


Referral via your doctor.


Referral must be made via your doctor.

Smoking cessation

Need help to stop smoking? Book an appointment for smoking cessation clinic run by qualified staff.

Speech therapist

Referral is via your doctor or health visitor.

Page published: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 3 January 2025