Healthcare Team
Community Midwives
Telephone number: 01869 243763
We have a team of midwives working with us from the Blenheim Team providing antenatal care in conjunction with our doctors. The midwives can help you with all aspects of care during your pregnancy and immediately following the birth of your baby. They hold regular antenatal clinics at the surgeries in Kidlington and Yarnton and arrange parent craft classes during the antenatal period. The midwifery team is on call 24 hours a day.
Community Nurses
Telephone number: 01865 904130
The District Nurses work closely with the doctors, visiting people of all ages in their homes. District Nurses are responsible for identifying and assessing the total needs of patients and for planning, initiating and providing appropriate care. They have knowledge of local and national services available to patients and their families. The team of District Nurses can be contacted on the above number. Referral by a doctor is not necessary.
Health Visitors
A team of health visitors work from the Health Centre, liaising closely with our doctors. Families are encouraged to use the health visitor parent line (chat health) for all communication, by texting 07312263081.
The nearest well baby clinic is in Ambrosden Surgery, Ploughley Road, Ambrosden, Bicester, OX25 2RB. This runs on 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month 9:30am – 11:30am.