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Patient notice

The surgery will be closed in Kidlington and Yarnton from 1pm on Wednesday 26th February for essential staff training.

Please call 999 for emergencies. For urgent medical advice, please call 111.

The surgery will re-open at 8am on Thursday morning.

Hypothyroidism review

Use this service to submit a routine review of your hypothyroidism.

For many people with an underactive thyroid, taking thyroxine medication is a simple treatment. If you are well and stable, we may be able to monitor your health without you visiting the surgery.

If this applies to you and you are not on any other tablets that need to be monitored, fill out this form before your medication runs out. We will tell you if we can repeat your medication for another 9 to 12 months.

You can use this service if you:

  • are registered at the surgery
  • have been invited to do so

Before you start

We’ll ask you for:

  • your first and last name, date of birth, sex, postcode, email and phone number
  • if applicable, the details of the person you are completing the form on behalf of
Start now

You can also phone us on Kidlington Health Centre 01865 842 292 or Yarnton Surgery 01865 379 345.

Page published: 24 July 2023
Last updated: 23 November 2023