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Patient notice

The surgery will be closed in Kidlington and Yarnton from 1pm on Wednesday 26th February for essential staff training.

Please call 999 for emergencies. For urgent medical advice, please call 111.

The surgery will re-open at 8am on Thursday morning.

Patient Participation Group

Our purpose is a focal point to represent and support all patients. We meet quarterly to discuss and advise about issues that are important to patients, to learn about changes taking place in The Key Medical Practice, to support the practice and to work with the practice team in improving the flow of communication between us all. We present and follow-up on comments received from patients both during and outside of meetings.

We are also trustees of a legacy fund allowing us to provide support for patients that cannot be met from Practice funds. For example we have funded blood pressure monitors, training manikins, a blood centrifuge and the cycle rack provision at both surgeries.

PPG Committee meetings (max 15 members) are always attended by the practice manager and by a GP partner. In between meetings the PPG circulates emails such as agendas, minutes of meetings and other relevant information, to each other and the practice manager. The practice manager encourages communication from and between the PPG and answers specific queries from members when required. These are usually by email but may, on occasion, be by phone.

Virtual group

The practice also offers membership of the virtual Patient Participation Group. This is ideal for those who may not wish, or be able, to attend the quarterly committee meetings at Yarnton. Members of the virtual PPG will receive copies of approved minutes after meetings along with occasional update emails and the opportunity to submit items for discussion at committee. Communication will normally be via email but a virtual member may be invited to attend a committee meeting if their question relates to a specific issue.

For more information, or if you would like to join the virtual PPG group, or are interested in joining the PPG Committee please email indicating your preference.

Only the annual general meeting of the Patient Participation Group (PPG) is open to all patients. If you are interested in hearing about the activities of the PPG but cannot/do not wish to attend meetings, please consider joining the virtual PPG Group.

Join our Patient Participation Group

All registered patients are able to join our Patient Participation Group. People of all genders, ages, ethnicities, and those with health conditions and disabilities are encouraged to join.

Members should as far as possible, be representative of the surgery population.

To join:

PPG meeting minutes

Please see minutes from previous meetings as follows:

Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 6 January 2025