Kathryn Muddle
Practice manager
Kathryn is responsible for facilitating the work of all the practice staff and for the day to day organisation and administration of the practice. She works with the GP partners to make sure the practice continues to provide excellent patient care. If you have any concerns or complaints about the care you receive at the practice, or if you have any suggestions that you feel would improve the services we offer, please write to Kathryn at the practice.
We have an efficient team who handle the general administration and secretarial needs for the practice including management of patient records, private medical reports and dealing with hospital correspondence.
The reception team have the responsibility for the day to day appointments system at the surgery. They are here to help make your visit to the surgery as easy as possible and are happy to respond to any enquiries. When you contact the surgery to request an appointment our reception team may ask you a few questions. This will help them identify the most appropriate clinician to deal with your needs and ensure that urgent issues are prioritised and dealt with safely and appropriately.